Fall - 2022

124 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • F A L L 2 0 2 2 Stoddard, who also participates in Pointe of Art as an artist. “The personal relationships we build with these dancers is one of the best things about this event.The girls are really connected with their passions, and it’s very inspiring. I think we all need to be reminded of why we do the things we choose to do in our life.” As someone who grew up surrounded by artists, Bennett-Stoddard understands just how those passions and personal connections can shape someone’s path. Her father, Bob Bennett, owned a Placerville foundry with his twin, Tom Bennett, for 25 years. They also operated gal- leries in Honolulu, Scottsdale, Chicago, Dallas, San Francisco, Beverly Hills and beyond. “They designed their life to have galleries in all these great places that they loved to visit,” says Bennett-Stoddard, who has especially fond J E N N I F E R P E R L M U T T E R M O N I C A J O H N S O N N I C O L E C R O MW E L L K A R E N F O L G N E R