Fall - 2022

126 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • F A L L 2 0 2 2 his painting, Richmond discovered parallels between what dance means for her and what painting means for him. “I really want to channel that into the piece I’m creating, the way that the visual arts and performing arts overlap. It's all about self- expression,” Richmond says.“I love interdiscipli- nary projects like this. I think it's important for artists in all genres to look beyond what we do and appreciate other art forms. It can inspire so much.” This year’s Pointe of Art Auction takes place on Friday, September 9, 2022, at Bennett Sculpture Carmel and the Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery. A VIP reception for dancers, artists and special guests takes place from 5 to 6 PM.The public is invited to view and bid on artwork from 6 to 8 PM. For more information, visit www.carmelsunsetrotaryclub.org . D E L I A B R A D F O R D N I C K L E O N O F F G R A N T B A R B E I T O